Frederick Hester : A brief history in pictures - Page 18 : The Electric Tramway

Map showing the planned route for electrification

The map above shows the full nature of Frederick Hester's plans including the rail going onto his Pier. Bruce Peebles & Co Ltd of Edinburgh had the £14,500 contract and by August 1904 4km of rails had been laid on 4,000 creosoted sleepers. Another £34,000 of work got underway including car sheds and a generating station at Tewkes Creek, the plan being coal could be delivered by Barge. A recent examination of this area sadly revealed no remaining evidence of its presence, unfortunately the substantial foundations were blown up during World War 2 in case invading Germans used them for a gun placement!

Delivery of the New Tram Cars in 1904 at Benfleet Station (TMS Photographic Service)

The engine shed was erected at the junction of Dovercliff Road & Westcliff Gardens and access to the terminus was via a clinker path along Station Road that Frederick had laid. A bank along the west boundry of Leigh Beck school apparently is evidence of the route. The photo above shows one of the trams being delivered in 1904. There is another Photo of another one on a horse drawn cart on the next page.

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