The Memories of Clary Swann - Page 8

An attraction across the road from The Monico and The Casino were two steam engines. These AHB bought from Poplar Gas Works, they were used at the gas works to transport coke across he site. AHB had the idea to run a narrow gauge railway line along the length of the seafront from The Monico to Seaview Road with visitors being able to get on and off all along the seafront. With the trains in place and the rail about to be laid AHB applied to the Council for permission for this latest venture.

The Trains from Poplar Gas Works

The Council decided that at each junction where the train met a road (ie May Avenue, Maurice Road etc) there would have to be a manned crossing at all times the trains were in operation. This made the project so uneconomical that the plan was abandoned. The trains were sited for visitors to climb on. During the war they were dismantled for the war effort.

Dave's uncle on one of the Trains in 1937

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(c) Thanks to the Swann family for these memories & photos - www.