The Memories of Clary Swann - Page 6 In 1935 Lily Swann (Sister to Clary) worked for AHB
in his London office and also handled the books for The Casino. Clary
worked in Clerkenwell at the time and Lily told him that AHB was looking
for staff to work at the weekends in the amusement park on Canvey
seafront. Clary Swann's life at The Casino started that year.
AHB goes on to rent land from the Council opposite
The Casino, here he builds boating lake with wooden bridges across
it for access to the beach (These bridges were dismantled during the
war as they were seen by the authorities as an invasion threat). You
could rent a rowing boat and paddle up and down the lake parallel
with the seawall. This was a very popular pastime but was very labour
intensive with constant repairs and maintenance needed. |