The Memories of Clary Swann - Page 3

1933: The amusement park called "The Casino" was ready to open with a grand opening on 10 June 1933.

It was indeed a grand opening with a gala dinner. The Casino was officially opened by F J Leach Esq Chairman of Canvey UDC, supported by the Right Hon George Lansbury MP and Tom Groves Esq MP JP (Mayor of West Ham). Unfortunately at the last moment the Right Hon George Lansbury was unable to attend as he was called to duty in the House of Commons. As a point of interest the Right Hon George Lansbury was in fact father to that famous actress Angela Lansbury (of Murder She Wrote fame).

Southend Times - 1933

The opening dinner was attended by AHB, EH Madle, S Alderman, E Lawrence to name but a few. Jimmy Edmunds London dance Orchestra entertained the many guests who danced through from 8pm until 11.30pm. The cost of such a grand event was 2/- (10p) for a single ticket of 3/6 for a double.

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(c) Thanks to the Swann family for these memories & photos - www.